Tibetan monk burns himself to death in Chinas

A Tibetan monk has burned himself to death in China's Sichuan province, in an apparent anti-Beijing protest. Cheap NBA Jerseys Activists said the monk, whom they named as Tsewang Norbu, had shouted slogans including "long live the Dalai Lama" before setting himself alight. A similar action sparked weeks of confrontation earlier this year in another town in Sichuan. Unrest is fuelled by a widespread belief that the government is suppressing Tibetan culture. The argument has been going on for decades, with many Tibetans accusing the government of forcing monks to attend re-education camps, encouraging the migration of Han Chinese to Tibetan areas, and crushing any sign of dissent. Nike Shox R4 But the authorities say they have brought relative wealth and prosperity to a region that was a rural backwater. Investigation promised The UK-based Free Tibet group said in a statement that the 29-year-old monk, from the Nyitso Monastery in Dawu town, had doused himself with petrol and set himself alight. The group said he had been calling out "we Tibetan people want freedom", "long live the Dalai Lama" and "let the Dalai Lama Return to Tibet". NBA Jerseys Sale Most Tibetan monks are loyal to the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader who has lived in exile in India for decades. A local hotel receptionist told the AFP news agency the monk had been handing out leaflets before he set himself alight. "I saw a monk lying on the ground and burning, he died right in front of the county government building," said the receptionist. The state-run Xinhua news agency quoted local government officials confirming that a monk had died. Nike Shox R5 The local government has promised to investigate, saying it was not clear why he had set fire to himself. In March, a monk set light to himself in Aba, about 100 miles (150km) from the latest incident. Local people accused the authorities of locking down that monastery and carting off monks to be re-educated. The UN later said up to 300 monks may have been illegally detained. China has denied the accusations. NBA Jerseys On Sale Twenty-one crew members have been rescued from a racing yacht which capsized off the Irish coast on Monday. The Rambler 100 was taking part in the Fastnet Race when it overturned about 12 miles from Baltimore in County Cork just after 18:30 BST. Sixteen crew members sitting on the hull of the vessel were airlifted to safety. Another five who were in a life raft were taken on board other yachts. The race began from the Isle of Wight on Sunday with 314 yachts taking part. Nike Shox R6 The US-registered vessel is understood to have capsized between the Fastnet Rock and the Pantaenius Buoy. A woman who was on the life raft was airlifted to hospital in County Kerry. The biennial race, organised by the Royal Ocean Racing Club, runs for 608 miles along the south coast of the UK, across to the Fastnet Rock off the south-west Irish coast. It then returns around the Scilly Isles to the finish in Plymouth. A spokeswoman for the Irish Coast Guard said the seas in the area were not very rough at the time of the accident but that the weather conditions were foggy. NCAA Jerseys In 1979, 15 people died in the race when yachts were buffeted by treacherous conditions including strong winds and rough seas.

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Par whaha132 le mardi 16 août 2011


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